The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department has postponed its previously scheduled March 18 public meeting in Bethel on the proposed 2020-2030 Big Game Management Plan to encourage social distancing and to avoid the spread of COVID-19.
Vermont’s 2020-2030 Big Game Management Plan will guide deer, bear, moose, and wild turkey management over the next decade. The draft plan identifies the issues these species face, such as habitat loss and disease, it establishes sustainable population and management goals, and it prescribes the strategies needed to achieve those goals.
The plan is updated every decade and the previous plan is set to expire.
The draft 2020-2030 Big Game Management Plan is available on Fish and Wildlife's website .
The department would like to receive comments about the plan by Friday, April 3. Comments can be submitted electronically to ANR.FWPublicComment@vermont.gov or by mail to Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, One National Life Drive, Montpelier, Vermont 05620.
For Immediate Release: March 16, 2020
Media Contact: Mark Scott 802-777-4217