A first deer hunt can mark the beginning of a lifelong passion for the outdoors and a commitment to wildlife conservation.
To make the most of the upcoming youth deer hunting weekend on November 3 and 4, the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department offers these tips for the adult who is mentoring a young hunter:
- Practice. An adult’s hunting rifle might not be appropriate for a young hunter. No matter what firearm is selected, make sure youth hunters practice handling and shooting.
Hunt Safe. Hunting is one the safest outdoor activities, and youth hunters are some of our safest hunters when accompanied by an alert mentor.
Hunt Smart. Scouting is an essential and exciting ingredient to any successful hunt.
Wear Orange. Make sure other hunters see you. Studies show that hunter orange is the safest color to wear while deer hunting, and deer do not see orange the same as we do.
Model Behavior. Responsible youth hunters are mentored by responsible adult hunters.
Go often. Lifelong hunting participation is directly related to the amount of time spent hunting in youth, especially when these experiences occur in a family or mentor setting.
Respect the Intent: The youth weekend hunt is for the youth, not adults. Legally, adults must leave their firearm at home, and landowner permission is required.
Have Fun! Being with family and friends and generally having a good time is more important to youth hunters than bagging game. Don’t push them, particularly if the weather is bad. Young hunters need positive reinforcement.
For more information, check out the Youth Hunting section of Fish & Wildlife’s website (www.vtfishandwildlife.com).
And, see regulations for youth deer hunting weekend on page 26 of the 2018 HUNTING & TRAPPING GUIDE available where licenses are sold.
For Immediate Release: October 24, 2018
Media Contact: Nicole Meier 802-318-1347