Tickborne illnesses are most frequently transmitted between early spring and late fall since ticks are most active during warm months.
Be tick smart and follow these four recommendations to decrease your risk of infection.
- Use an EPA-approved tick repellent on skin
- Apply permethrin to clothing
- Wear light-colored pants and long sleeves
- Perform daily checks on yourself, your children and pets
- Shower soon after spending time outdoors
- Use tweezers to grab tick close to skin
- Pull tick straight up, do not twist
- Wash hands and bite area with soap and water
- Put clothing in dryer for 10 minutes on high
- Watch for symptoms of tickborne diseases, such as fever, muscle aches, fatigue and joint pain
- Most Vermonters with Lyme disease develop a rash, but 30% do not
- If you develop any of these symptoms, contact your health care provider