Here is a list of installed docks and proposed improvement projects for the department's access areas. Use the lists to help you make plans for your next fishing outing.
Docks Currently Installed
As of 3/21/2025
- Lake Champlain – Mallets Bay
- Lake Hortonia
2025 Access Areas Improvement Projects
Lake Eden
5910 VT Route 100, Eden, VT 05653 | map
- Project Date – August, 2025
- Project Purpose – Dredge out the ramp and area immediately in front of the ramp to remove silt.
- Project Scope – This project will consist of the installation of a filter curtain to minimize turbidity in the lake. The contractor will excavate the area to achieve the desired slope and depths.
- Access Impact – Entire Access Area will be closed.
Neal Pond
80 Neal Pond Access Road, Lunenburg, VT 05906 | map
- Project Date – August, 2025
- Project Purpose – Dredge out the ramp and area immediately in front of the ramp to remove silt and rocks.
- Project Scope – This project will consist of the installation of a filter curtain to minimize turbidity in the lake. The contractor will excavate the area to achieve the desired slope and depths.
- Access Impact – Entire Access Area will be closed.
Fort Cassin
775 Fort Cassin Road, Ferrisburg, VT 05456 | map
- Project Date – TBD
- Project Purpose – Remove and install new ramp
- Project Scope – This project will consist of the installation of a filter curtain and removal of the existing ramp. Once removed, archeological work will be completed and a new ramp will be installed. The ramp will be longer to accommodate for the drop into the river channel.
- Access Impact – Entire Access Area will likely be closed.
Van Everest
149 Fishing Access Road, Milton, VT 05468 | map
- Project Date – TBD
- Project Purpose – Add in a second ramp and improve parking.
- Project Scope – This project will consist of the installation of a filter curtain and temporary coffer dam within the lake so contractors can complete all the work in a dry environment. The contractor will excavate the ramp area to achieve the desired slope then form and pour a reinforced concrete ramp.
- Access Impact – Entire Access Area will be closed.
Completed Access Area Projects
Seymour Lake
6481 VT Route 111, Morgan, VT 05853 | map
- Project Purpose – Dredge both ramps and the area immediately in front to remove silt from recent storms
- Project Scope – This project will consist of the installation of a filter curtain to minimize turbidity in the lake. The contractor will excavate the area to achieve the desired slope and depths.
- Access Impact – Entire Access Area will be closed.
Tabor Point
162 Hog Island Road, Swanton, VT 05488 | map
- Project Purpose – Extend the ramp to match lake bottom
- Project Scope – This project will consist of the installation of a filter curtain and temporary coffer dam within the lake so contractors can complete all the work in a dry environment. The contractor will excavate the ramp area to achieve the desired slope then form and pour a reinforced concrete ramp.
- Access Impact – Entire Access Area will be closed.
Rock River
4220 US Route 7, Highgate, VT 05488 | map
- Project Purpose – Install a new concrete ramp
- Project Scope – The project will include placement of a filter curtain to enclose the work area in the river. The contractor will excavate a portion of the river bottom, and install rails at the desired slope. Once the rails are set, pre-cast, steel reinforced slabs will be slid in and connected to one another with steel plates. The concrete ramp will be completed with a perimeter stone apron to protect against future erosion.
- Access Impact – Entire access area will be closed.
Lake Fairlee
3795 VT Route 244, West Fairlee, VT 05045 | map
- Project Purpose – Rebuild the existing ramp
- Project Scope – This project will consist of the installation of a filter curtain within the lake to enclose the work area. The existing concrete ramp slabs will be pulled out and reset closer together to remove existing issues with the slabs separating. The gravel berm just beyond the ramp will also be removed at this time. The site will also include new ADA parking and a accessible route to the ramp and dock.
- Access Impact – Entire access area will be closed.
Joes Pond
3936 US Route 2 West, Danville, VT 05873 | map
- Project Purpose – Rebuild and extend the ramp
- Project Scope – This project will consist of the installation of a filter curtain and temporary coffer dam within the lake so contractors can complete all the work in a dry environment. The contractor will remove broken concrete debris and the existing end of the ramp, then extend the ramp at a steeper slope to allow for a deeper ramp.
- Access Impact – Entire access area will be closed.
Marshfield Reservoir
5121 US Route 2, Cabot, VT 05658 | map
- Project Purpose – Extend existing ramp and increase depth in front of the eastern shore fishing platform.
- Project Scope – This project will consist of the placement of a filter curtain and coffer dam in the work area so contractors can complete all the work in a dry environment. The contractor will excavate the ramp area to achieve the desired slope then form and pour a reinforced concrete ramp. After the ramp is extended, the contractor will remove material around the front of the eastern short fishing platform and install large boulders to increase fishing opportunities and create habitat.
- Access Impact – The western lobe of the access area will remain open but will have construction vehicles passing through.