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Youth Hunting

Youth and Mentor in Snow

Young hunters in Vermont enjoy three special youth hunting seasons each year.

These seasons increase hands-on use of sporting arms, reinforce hunting safety principles, improve understanding and interest in hunting and wildlife conservation, and emphasize the involvement of family and friends. Youth seasons always include direct, adult supervision.

The First Step

All aspiring hunters, bowhunters and trappers must first successfully complete the respective hunter education course. All courses are free, led by certified volunteer instructors and are open to all ages and experience.

Youth Spring Turkey Weekend

 young girl with bagged turkey
Before the start of spring turkey season, youth hunters have a chance to test their skills.

Youth Waterfowl Weekend

Four young waterfowl hunters holding bagged ducks
For your best chance to hunt a blue-wing teal, wood ducks, and other fair weather ducks, plan to take advantage of this special season.

Youth Deer Weekend

Young boy wearing orange vest and holding deer he harvested
In this great tradition, youth are able to take a deer of either sex of any age.

Mentors Welcomed

The department encourages experienced hunters to take kids hunting and provide the guidance they need to make their first hunts both enjoyable and educational.