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GMCC Registration Information

Due to COVID-19 and the requirements necessary to keep staff and campers safe and healthy, please be aware that although registration will open with all camp weeks available to the full number of campers as in past years, we will be following any guidance relating to summer camps released by the Vermont Department of Health and the Governor’s office. There is an inherent risk of contracting COVID-19 in any place where people gather, including at GMCC. If at any point we deem that it is no longer safe for campers and staff to be present at camp due to COVID-19, we will cancel the session and send all campers home immediately. In this event a full refund will be issued. 

Before applying please read the following important information before proceeding to the online application process.

screen door with a carved sign saying welcome to our campCamp Cost

The cost is $250 per child for a Basic or Advanced session. The online application process accepts Visa & MasterCard credit cards and checks. If you pay by check we will not process your application until the check is received. Checks should be made payable to GMCC and mailed to the GMCC address listed below.


No refunds are made unless written notice of cancellation is received at least two weeks prior to the start of the session.  An e-mail to constitutes written notification. Refunds will be issued within two weeks of receipt of a written cancellation notice..


If your child is sponsored by an organization you are required to contact your sponsor before completing your online application. Please request a Sponsorship Agreement Form from the organization, which will detail the amount they are willing to pay for your child’s camp tuition.

IMPORTANT: Campers receiving a scholarship or sponsorship to attend GMCC and wish to cancel their registration are required to notify the GMCC office via email at least two weeks prior to the start of the session. Failing to submit notice of cancelation by the two-week deadline will result in the camper being billed for the full amount of the scholarship or sponsorship they received.

Sponsored campers should check the appropriate “Sponsored” box in the payment section of the application and include an attachment of their Sponsorship Agreement Form and all requested sponsor contact information. Sponsored applications cannot be processed without this form, creating the potential for your child’s desired session to fill and leaving them unable to attend. No payment is required as the department will bill sponsors directly at the end of the camp season.

Download GMCC Sponsor list

If you need further assistance locating funds to sponsor your child, please reach out to the main office at (802)-522-2925 or via email at

GMCC Scholarships

GMCC offers a limited number of scholarships on a first come, first served basis thanks to donations from various community members. To request a full or partial scholarship, please reach out to the GMCC office at 802-522-2925 or before you submit your child’s application.

You can apply for a GMCC scholarship as part of the online application. These scholarships are awarded on a first-come first-served basis and are based on economic need.  

Important - Campers receiving a scholarship and not attending the session they are registered for, will be billed for the scholarship amount unless written notice of cancellation is received at least two weeks prior to the start of the session. An e-mail to constitutes written notification.

Camp Sessions

  • Basic sessions are offered for youth ages 12 -14. A camper must have reached their 12th birthday before or during their week of camp. No exceptions are made for age.

    • Basic session campers will participate in Vermont's Hunter & Bowhunter combination course. Hunter and Bowhunter Education are important segments of the basic session week, and safety is the main emphasis. All firearm use is under close supervision. Campers will receive their Vermont Hunter Education and Bowhunter Education Certifications upon successful completion of this course.

       Campers are expected to do the pre-camp reading online for the Basic Session Combined Hunter/Bow Hunter Education course.

       Even if your child has already successfully completed and passed a Hunter Education course they are required to do the pre-camp reading and participate in this curriculum again at the basic level session.

      Online bowhunter education study guide

      Online hunter education study guide

  • Advanced sessions are offered for youth ages 12 -16 who have graduated from a Basic session, and have passed the Basic session's hunter education course. No exceptions are made for age. Advanced session students must choose either:

    • Trapper Education Certification – manuals and workbooks will arrive with welcome information and must be brought to the advanced camp session.
    • Blinds, Boats, Buddies: Waterfowl Identification and Hunting
    • Intro to Backpacking

    (Campers are not allowed to take the three courses in the same session.)

    This week emphasizes more hands-on experiences in wildlife ecology, fishing, hunting, shooting, outdoor recreation, and provides more in-depth education on natural resources management. Sessions fill very quickly. We encourage early registration.


There is no deadline to apply. However, all applications are processed on a first come, first served basis when registration opens in early January. For the best chance to be enrolled in a preferred session, we strongly recommend applying as early as possible.

Repeat Campers

Campers who have attended before and are planning to attend again at the same program level are considered a "repeat camper." Repeat campers will not be notified of their registration status until after April 1. Campers who attended a basic session in a previous year and plan to enroll in an advanced session for the first time this year are not considered repeat campers. Advanced sessions are limited and fill quickly, so early registration is recommended.

Waiting List & Second Choice

If space is not available for the first choice week at the camp the youth wishes to attend, they will be placed in their second or third choice sessions, or will be placed on a waiting list. If a camper is placed on the waiting list, the parents/guardians will be notified by mail or phone if space becomes available. This could happen as late as the Sunday afternoon the session begins.Campers may only be on one waiting list.

Payment is required to process all application, even if the child is placed on a waiting list. If you do not wish to keep your child in their second or third choice or on the waiting list, please contact us and we will refund the application fee immediately. Otherwise tuition for wait-listed campers will be refunded within two weeks of the start of the session if they were unable to be enrolled.

Bunking Requests

Children wishing to bunk together should check in early and arrive together at camp if at all possible. Cabins fill as children arrive so that children's swimming abilities can be assessed. 

Medical Certificate & Insurance Card

The medical certificate will be included in the welcome materials. Parents must complete the first page of the medical certificate and the child's physician must complete and sign page two.

Important - Both pages of the Medical Certificate and a photocopy of the child's medical insurance card must be brought to camp check-in time. These forms are necessary for your child to attend camp.

Special Concerns

GMCC is available to any child between the ages of 12 and 14 (12 and 16 for Advanced sessions) regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual preference, religion or other non-merit factors. 

We are happy to accommodate any special needs of campers to the best of our ability. On the application there is a section for you to describe any special needs. The camp medical staff keeps all medications secure and administers them as required per direction of the parents and/or doctor.

It is essential for us to know about your child's physical, emotional, psychological, or behavioral issues so that we can make their camping session a wonderful learning and fun experience. Please don't hesitate to share these issues on the registration form (all registration materials are confidential) or speak directly to the Camp Directors upon arrival at camp.


All efforts should be made to choose a week that your camper can attend in its entirety. Absences for any reason (little league, softball, and other sports or activities, etc.) may result in an inability to certify campers for the Hunter Education component of camp. Such absences should be arranged in advance with the GMCC office in Montpelier and the Camp Director.

Our Camp Directors & Natural Resource Instructors

Much of our staff have been with the camp program for many years, and many are former campers themselves. Staff are selected for their ability to work with youth and their expertise in one or more areas of conservation. All instructors must undergo an intensive orientation program and background check. Vermont State Game Wardens and Certified Hunter Education Instructors supervise all of the firearm related activities.

Thank you very much for your interest in GMCC, and we look forward to having your child as a camper!

Online Registration Instructions

Registration will open in January.

  1. To register, click the link below
  2. Follow directions to create an account for ANR Online
  3. Once an account is created, click on the “Finder” tab
  4. Type in “GMCC,” and the camp application will be listed

Need more information? Contact us

Phone:  (802)-522-2925     

VT Fish & Wildlife
Attn: GMCC
1 National Life Dr.,  Davis 2
Montpelier  VT  05620

See also: