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Slimy Sculpin

slimy sculpin

Slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) are distinguishable by their short body, beginning with a larger head that tapers towards the tail. Their mouth extends to below the front half of the eye and on the end of the preopercle (rear gill) is a backward-pointing spine. 



The bowfin (Amia calva) is distinguishable by their elongated, cylindrical body, large, tooth-filled mouth, and an upper jaw which extends beyond their eye. A long dorsal fin runs over half the length of their olive to green back. They exhibit a cream to pale green coloration on their body, with a large spot at the upper base on the caudal fin. The fins of spawning males may also have a greenish coloration.

Longnose Gar

long nosed gar

The most distinguishable feature of the longnose gar (Lepisosteus osseus) is their long, bluntly pointed snout filled with sharp teeth. They have a very long, narrow, white body with an olive brown to dark green back and a brown or black stripe running along either side.

Northern Pike

northern pike

The northern pike (Esox lucius) has a large, elongate body with a large, tooth-filled mouth and a long, pointed snout. Their body exhibits a dark green coloration along the sides speckled with yellow, bean-shaped markings. The darker coloring of their sides fades into a cream-white color on their underbelly. All fins, except for their pectorals, are covered in dark spots.

White Perch

white perch

White perch (Morone americana) were originally found in the St. Lawrence River and along the Atlantic coastal plain from Maritime Provinces to South Carolina. They were later introduced to the Midwest, New England, and the Great Lakes. White perch have been illegally introduced to some Vermont waters and are common in Lake Champlain and the Connecticut River.

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