Rainbow Trout
Native to the West Coast and introduced to Vermont in the late 1800s, Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are the most habitat-sensitive of the trout species and are stocked and bred extensively in state fisheries. Rainbow Trout will live in high- to moderate-gradient streams and rivers, as well as cold lakes. They are very sensitive to water pH levels and do not do well in acidic conditions.
Landlocked Atlantic Salmon
The landlocked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is one of the most prized game fish in the Northeast. First found in Maine and southeastern Canada, it may be native to Lake Champlain and has since been distributed throughout North America and Europe.
Lake Trout
Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) Salvelinus means char; namaycush is of native American origin referring to dweller of the deep. Other common names; togue, longe, Mackinaw trout, touladi.
Brown Trout
The Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) is one of the trout species in Vermont that is not native. It was introduced to Vermont during the late 1800s, and now there are spawning populations in most of the drainage basins in the state.
Brook Trout
The Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) is the smallest of the native salmonids of Vermont, and is also called the "squaretail." The most distinguishing feature of the brook trout (or wild "brookie") is its adipose fin, or small fin on the back located directly in front of the tail. This characteristic is shared only by other salmonids and no other fish species.
Fish & Wildlife Importation and Possession Rules
State law requires anyone wishing to purchase, possess, import, sell, exhibit or breed a pet or animal in Vermont to first determine if a permit is required. This page can help you.
Let's Go Fishing Volunteers
Digital copies of clinic proposals, timesheets and more.Teach young people and their families how to fish, emphasizing that fishing is more than just catching fish. Teachers, you can now become a certified instructor through the Let’s Go Fishing program and also earn 1 graduate-level credit through Castleton University!