Keep these tips in mind when using a crossbow to ensure a safe and enjoyable hunt.
Using a Crossbow
Keep the string waxed and lubricate the rail periodically.
Make sure your fingers are well away (below rail) from the path of the string and cables.
Never dry-fire a crossbow.
Make sure the limbs are free of obstructions before firing; be particularly careful if you are hunting from a ground blind.
Never use a cocking device to uncock unless you have a model that is specifically designed to do so. Most are not.
To uncock, shoot a specially-designed unloading point or a field tip into soft ground; or shoot a field tip into a target.
Practice often and avoid shots at game that are beyond your effective range, generally less than 40 yards.
Tree Stands & Crossbows
Always cock the crossbow without a bolt on the ground before climbing into the stand.
Once seated and secured, pull up your unloaded crossbow with a haul line.
Do not place a bolt on the crossbow until you are safely secured in your stand.