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Moose Lottery

Moose browsing

Moose Permit Lottery results are in. Check to see if you or someone you know is a lucky winner!

What you must do if you win a permit:

Applicants who are successfully drawn in the lottery process will receive a winner’s packet in the mail within a few days of the lottery. The winner packet will contain time sensitive information that must be returned to our office by the deadline date. If you do not return the winner’s packet in time, you will forfeit your winning moose lottery permit.

Moose Permit Auction

Didn't win a permit? You still have a chance for a permit through our Moose Permit Auction.

Three moose hunting permits will be auctioned to support the department's educational programs. The three permits are valid for hunting in Wildlife Management Unit E in the northeast corner of the state during the October 1-7 archery season, or in the October 19-24 regular season. 

A minimum bid of $1,500 is required. Deadline to apply is August 7.

learn more about bidding on a moose permit

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