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Threatened & Endangered Species Takings Permits

Threatened & Endangered Species Takings Permits may be issued by the Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources for the "taking" of plants or animals listed as Threatened or Endangered in Vermont pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 5408 and 10 V.S.A. App. § 10 after obtaining the advice of the Endangered Species Committee.

When May a Threatened & Endangered Species Permit Be Issued?

T&E Permits may be issued for the following purposes per 10 V.S.A. § 5408(a):

  • Scientific purposes;
  • To enhance the propagation or survival of a threatened or endangered species;
  • Zoological exhibition
  • Educational purposes;
  • Noncommercial cultural or ceremonial purposes;
  • Special purposes consistent with the purposes of the federal Endangered Species Act;
  • Incidental taking;

Who Can Apply For a Permit?

Applications may be submitted by anyone, including researchers, exhibitors, municipalities and private companies amongst others.

What is the Definition of "Take"?

The definition of "take" is very broad and includes everything from killing a plant or animal to transplanting a plant or any activity that could be construed as harassing an animal.

Take is defined in 10 V.S.A. § 5401(18) of the Vermont statutes as:

 (18) "Take" or "taking":

    (A) With respect to wildlife designated a threatened or endangered species, means:

        (i) pursuing, shooting, hunting, killing, capturing, trapping, harming, snaring, or netting wildlife;

        (ii) an act that creates a risk of injury to wildlife, whether or not the injury occurs, including harassing, wounding, or placing, setting, drawing, or using any net or other device used to take animals; or

        (iii) attempting to engage in or assisting another to engage in an act set forth under subdivision (i) or (ii) of this subdivision (18)(A).

    (B) With respect to a wild plant designated a threatened or endangered species, means uprooting, transplanting, gathering seeds or fruit, cutting, injuring, harming, or killing or any attempt to do the same or assisting another who is doing or is attempting to do the same.

Applications in Public Comment Period


There are no permit applications in the public review period at this time.


Public Hearing

No public hearings are scheduled for permit applications at this time. 


Recently Issued Permits

See also