The department is responsible for protecting critical fish and wildlife habitat by providing review assistance for a variety of regulatory processes.
Some of the regulatory processes include: Land-use Development Law Act 250, Vermont’s Section 248 Process - Certificate of Public Good, Vermont's Endangered Species Law, Vermont Wetland Rules, Corps of Engineers General Permit, Stream Alteration and Stream Crossing Permit, and Dam Safety Permitting.
Preliminary Assessment
A preliminary assessment involves staff review of known wildlife and fisheries resources of interest and the potential for these resources to occur in the project area or adjacent properties. The department provides a preliminary response indicating the potential for impacts and/or request further on-site investigation.
The department reviews for potential impacts to:
- Necessary wildlife habitat for a variety of species: bear, deer, Bicknell’s thrush, great blue heron, grassland birds, reptiles and amphibians
- Rare, threatened and endangered species
- Significant natural communities (may be considered rare and irreplaceable natural areas in Act 250 and Section 248)
- Riparian buffers
- Streams, shorelines and aquatic habitats and passages
- Department investments, such as public lands and public access points
- Wildlife travel corridors
- Forest fragmentation and habitat connectivity
Vermont Natural Resource Atlas
Preliminary review can be done using the online Vermont Natural Resource Atlas. The department’s resource layers of interest are found by selecting layers and expanding Fish and Wildlife header. These data layers should not be interpreted to offer a complete inventory of the natural resources of interest. OPLA layer turns on many of the layers of interest to regulatory review.
Pre-Permitting Project Review Instructions
Email (preferred) or mail a brief project description and map with site and project locations clearly marked, preferably on a USGS map or Aerial photo, to the appropriate contact indicated on the map. Indicate the regulatory process the project is going through. Site plan(s) may be requested if there are potential resource constraints of interest to the department.
The review areas pertain to the District Environmental Commission (districts). Large complex projects may need agency-wide coordination by the Agency of Natural Resources Regulatory Review Coordinator, Jen Mojo., 802-923-6647.
Projects involving or adjacent to water resources (lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, etc.) are reviewed by fisheries division staff.
Contacts for Regulatory Review
Barre District Office - 802-476-0199
Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, 5 Perry Street, Suite 40, Barre, VT 05641
- Josh Blouin, Fish and Wildlife Specialist, 802-793-7954, email:
- Noel Dodge, Wildlife Biologist, 802-689-0000, email:
- Grace Glynn, 802-505-3439, Botanist, email:
- Andy Wood, Habitat Protection Scientist, 802-461-5118, email:
- Bob Zaino, Natural Community Ecologist, 802-476-0128, email:
Essex District Office - 802-878-1564
Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, 111 West Street, Essex Junction, VT 05452
- John Gobeille, Wildlife Biologist, 802-879-5696, email:
- Lee Simard, Fisheries Biologist, 802-879-5697, email:
- Bernie Pientka, Fisheries Biologist, 802-879-5698, email:
Roxbury District Office - 802-485-7566
Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, 3902 Roxbury Road, Roxbury, Vermont 05669
- Bret Ladago, Fisheries Biologist, email:
Rutland District Office -802-786-0040
Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, 271 North Main Street Suite 215, Rutland VT 05701
- Shawn Good, Fisheries Biologist, 802-786-3863, email:
- Joel Flewelling, Fish and Wildlife Specialist, 802-786-3879, email:
Springfield District Office - 802-289-0603
Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, 100 Mineral Street, Suite 302, Springfield, VT 05156
Tyler Brown, Wildlife Specialist, 802-522-9714, email:
- Ryan Smith, Fish and Wildlife Specialist, 802-245-4112, email:
- Lael Will, Fisheries Biologist, 802-777-0827, email:
- Courtney Buckley, Fisheries Biologist, 802-595-0911, email:
St. Johnsbury District Office - 802-751-0100
Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, 374 Emerson Falls Rd, Suite 4, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Tim Appleton, Wildlife Biologist, 802-751-0105, email:
- Jud Kratzer, Fisheries Biologist, 802-751-0486, email:
- Pete Emerson, Fisheries Biologists, 802-751-0485, email
Additional Resources
Deer and Bear
- Guidelines for Review and Mitigation of Impact to White-Tailed Deer
- Management Guide for Deer Wintering Areas in Vermont (1990)
- Guidance to Address Impacts to Deer Winter Habitat Associated with Solar Energy Projects
- Guidance for the Review & Mitigation of Impacts to Significant Black Bear Habitat in Vermont
- Survey Procedures and Guidelines for Endangered and Threatened Bats
- Potential Roost Tree Survey Methods for Endangered Bats
- Potential Roost Tree Retention Guidelines for Endangered Bats
- Indianan Bat Forest Management Guidelines
- Indiana Bat Maternity Colony Habitat Assessment Guide
- Data and Map Updates for Northern long-eared bat and Tricolored Bat (June 2024)
- Northern Long-eared Bat Guidelines
- Forest Management Guidance for State Lands Northern Long-eared Bats
- Forest Management Guidance for Woodchip Plant Harvest Reviews Northern Long-eared Bats
- Review and Minimization of Impacts to Bats from Wind Energy Facilities (2016)
Wind and Cell Towers
- Guidelines for Review and Evaluation of Natural Resources Impacts from Utility-Scale Wind Energy Facilities
- Procedure for Review and Mitigation of Impacts to Wildlife with the Development of Wireless Cell Towers
Beech Mast
Bird Habitats
- Guidance for the Review & Mitigation of Impacts to Bicknell's Thrush Habitat in Connection with Regulated Projects in Vermont
- Guidance for the Review & Mitigation of Impacts to Grassland Bird Habitat in Connection with Regulated Projects in Vermont
- Protection & Mitigation of Impacts to Great Blue Heron Rookeries in Vermont (2002)
Whole Tree Chipping
- Certificate of Public Good - Ryegate Power Station - Harvesting Policy for Whole Tree Chipping and Roundwood Operations in Vermont
- Certificate of Public Good - Burlington Electric Department - Harvesting Policy for Whole Tree Chipping and Roundwood Operations in Vermont
Riparian Areas and Stream Crossings
- Riparian Management Guidelines for ANR Lands (2015)
- Guidance for Agency Act 250 and Section 248 Comments Regarding Riparian Buffers (2005)
- Guidelines for the Design of Stream/Road Crossings for Passage of Aquatic Organisms in Vermont
Species Inventorying and Monitoring
- Conducting Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Plant Inventories (2016)
- Non-Native Invasive Plant Species Monitoring and Control (2016)
- Natural Communities Conservation Guidelines (2004)
Other Documents
- Vermont Fish & Wildlife Aquatic Organism Handbook
- The Vermont Culvert Aquatic Organism Passage Screening Tool (2009)
- Riparian Buffers and Corridors Technical Papers (2005)
- Conserving Vermont's Natural Heritage - A Guide to Community-Based Planning for the Conservation of Vermont's Fish, Wildlife, and Biological Diversity
- Landowners Guide - Wildlife Habitat Management for Lands in Vermont
Natural Heritage Inventory Lists
- Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species Lists
- Vermont Natural Community Types with National Vegetation Classification Associations
- ANR Permitting Page
- ANR Land Development Projects
- Act 250 and Section 248 Information
- VT Department of Environmental Conservation Wetlands Office
- VT Natural Resources Board
- Army Corps of Engineers Permits
- US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Northeast Region
- USFWS Information Planning and Consultation