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The River Corridor: Floodplains and Riparian Habitat

The network of streams and rivers across Vermont is critically important for climate resilience. These places are dynamic systems, constantly changing and home to incredible biological diversity as well as many other functions and values. In this collaborative presentation, join a panel of planners from the Agency of Natural Resources to learn about these unique ecosystems at several scales: as part of a larger watershed and network of connected lands and waters, as a unit for town planning, and as dynamic places for river processes. 

Jens Hilke, Conservation Planner, VT Fish and Wildlife Department 
Danielle Owczarski, Watershed Planner, VT Department of Environmental Conservation 
Staci Pomeroy, River Scientist, VT Department of Environmental Conservation 

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Event Date
April 8, 2021 - 6:00 AM - April 8, 2021 - 7:00 AM