Public hearings on the status of waterfowl populations and proposed waterfowl hunting seasons for the State of Vermont and Lake Champlain zone in New York will be held Tuesday, March 10, in Whitehall, New York and March 12 in Winooski, Vermont.
The annual hearings will be held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department and Board as follows:
March 10 -- Senior Citizens building at the Whitehall Recreation Center, 28 Williams Street, Whitehall, New York 12887.
March 12 – Winooski High School, 60 Normand Street, Winooski, Vermont 05404.
Waterfowl hunters are encouraged to attend one of the hearings and share their preferences and opinions about the proposed seasons.
Under Federal regulations, waterfowl seasons, bag limits, and shooting hours in the Lake Champlain Zone must be uniform throughout the entire zone. Waterfowl seasons in New York’s portion of the Lake Champlain Zone must be identical to the waterfowl season in Vermont’s portion of the Zone.
The proposed 2020 migratory bird hunting seasons and related regulations are available on the Vermont Fish and Wildlife website (www.vtfishandwildlife.com). Comments can be sent to ANR.FWPublicComment@Vermont.Gov.
Comments received, as well as input and recommendations from the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, will be reviewed by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Board.
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities are available on request at the Vermont meetings. Please include a description of the accommodation you will need. Individuals making such requests must include their contact information. Requests should be made as early as possible, for example an interpreter must be requested at least two weeks in advance. Please send an e-mail to:
David.Sausville@vermont.gov or call the office staff at 802-878-1564 (voice), 1-800-253-0191 (TTY).
For Immediate Release: March 2, 2020
Media Contacts: Media Contacts: Vermont - David Sausville -- (802) 878-1564
New York – David Winchell – (518) 897-1248