WILMINGTON, Vt. – From climate change to parasites to the state’s changing forested landscape, moose face a variety of challenges. Scott Darling, wildlife biologist with Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, will give a talk on Vermont’s moose population entitled Moose in Vermont – The Tiny Threats to Our Biggest Mammals on Wednesday, August 15 in Wilmington.
The presentation will be given as part of the Hogback Mountain Conservation Association’s Annual Meeting at Memorial Hall. The event will begin with a meet and greet at 7:00 p.m., and Darling will speak from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
With nearly four decades of experience in conservation in Vermont, Darling has worked on many conservation initiatives in the state, from his internationally recognized work conserving Northeast bat populations to his efforts leading the department’s managed large game species program, which conserves moose, deer and other game species in Vermont.
Darling will explore the status of Vermont’s moose population in the face of climate change and introduce to the audience two new critical parasites affecting moose in the Northeast. He will also discuss the future of moose in Vermont as well as share what Fish & Wildlife biologists and conservation scientists are doing to learn more about moose and how they’re working to conserve this iconic species.
For Immediate Release: July 20, 2018
Media Contacts: Scott Darling, 802-777-1732