WINDSOR, Vt. – The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department will celebrate the grand opening of the new Windsor Grasslands Wildlife Management Area on Thursday, June 7, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
The land was previously owned by Vermont’s Buildings and General Services and was recently transferred to the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department. The 826-acre property contains habitat for a variety of species, from hayfields that are a favored nesting site for grassland birds, to young forests and apple trees that attract deer and bear.
“We’re pleased that these lands will be permanently conserved for wildlife habitat and public access,” said Louis Porter, commissioner of the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department. “The local community has been highly engaged in these lands in recent years, helping to release apple trees to improve wildlife habitat, hunting turkeys, or bird-watching for grassland birds. We look forward to continuing that tradition as we manage this property for a variety of wildlife species and those who care about them.”
The celebration will take place on the wildlife management area at 1192 Marton Road, Windsor, Vermont. Brief remarks from department staff and partners, including Agency of Natural Resources Secretary Julie Moore, will be followed by a brief birding walk around the property led by department wildlife biologist John Buck. An informal gathering at the Windsor Station Restaurant will follow the event.
Members of the public interested in supporting habitat conservation and public access to land in Vermont can purchase a Vermont Habitat Stamp at www.vtfishandwildlife.com.
For Immediate Release: May 18, 2018
Media Contacts: Chris Bernier, 802-289-0628; Forrest Hammond, 802-289-0626