Virtual public hearings on the status of migratory game bird populations and proposed 2021 migratory game bird hunting seasons for the interior zone of Vermont and Lake Champlain zone in New York and Vermont will be held starting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 9 and Thursday, March 11.
For more information, including the season recommendation, and to join the online hearings, go to the Vermont Fish and Wildlife website www.vtfishandwildlife.com and click on the “Public Hearings Schedule” on the home page.
Waterfowl and webless migratory game bird hunters are encouraged to attend one of the hearings and share their preferences and opinions about the proposed seasons.
Under Federal regulations, waterfowl seasons, bag limits, and shooting hours in the Lake Champlain Zone must be uniform throughout the entire zone. Waterfowl seasons in New York’s portion of the Lake Champlain Zone must be identical to the waterfowl season in Vermont’s portion of the Zone.
In addition to the public hearings, anyone can leave a comment on the proposals with a telephone message by calling 802-265-0043 or by emailing ANR.FWPublicComment@vermont.gov. The deadline for comments is Wednesday, March 31.
Comments received, as well as input and recommendations from the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, will be reviewed by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Board in making final 2021 hunting season decisions.
For Immediate Release: March 1, 2021
Media Contacts: Media Contacts: Vermont -- David Sausville (802) 878-1564; Mark Scott 802-777-4217
New York -- John O’Connor 518-897-1296