Game Wardens enforce fish and wildlife, boat, snowmobile, ATV, and general criminal laws. They can be reached by calling their home or the nearest State Police dispatcher.
Report a Violation
To report fish and wildlife violations call the Operation Game Thief toll free number 1-800-75ALERT (1-800-752-5378). Call this number anytime the violation is in progress or time sensitive.
You can also report fish and wildlife violations using the Operation Game Thief online form.
Law Enforcement Central Office Contact Numbers
802-828-1483 | 802-828-1529
Recreational Boating Enforcement & Education
Sgt. Jenna Reed 802-279-9058
Game Warden Patrol Map
View large (22"x 34") statewide Game Warden patrol area map
View letter-sized statewide Game Warden patrol area map
Warden Listing by District
Central District
Warden | State Police Phone | Cell Phone | Patrol District |
Lt. Butler, Wesley | 802-786-3865 - Rutland Office | Central | |
Sgt. Whipple, Jeffrey | 802-234-9933 | 802-535-5220 | Fairlee |
Spc. Whitlock, Dale | 802-388-4919 | 802-777-6269 | New Haven |
Daversa, Louis | 802-773-9101 | 802-595-9034 | Fair Haven |
Floreani, Chris | 802-234-9933 | 802-279-4798 | Hartford |
Goodwin, Justin | 802-388-4919 | 802-595-2509 | Middlebury |
Kline, Bella | 802-234-9933 | 802-595-3533 | Randolph |
Serra, Abigail | 802-773-9101 | 802-793-1270 | Rutland |
Truong, John | 802-773-9101 | 802-595-3302 | Barre |
Northeastern District
Warden | State Police Phone | Cell Phone | Patrol District |
Lt. Scott, Mike | 802-751-0103 - St. Johnsbury Office | Northeast | |
Sgt. Hazard, Randy | 802-334-8881 | 802-793-3321 | Canaan |
Circe, Dustin | 802-229-9191 | 802-793-6629 | Montpelier |
Jackman, Cody | 802-748-3111 | 802-279-3560 | Lyndonville |
Johnson, Jake | 802-334-8881 | 802-917-6264 | Derby |
Lumsden, Nathan | 802-229-9191 | 802-595-3526 | Bradford |
Palmer, Katie | 802-748-3111 | 802-353-9535 | Hardwick |
Reagan, Chase | 802-334-8881 | 802-279-9845 | Newport |
Rhodes, Kody | 802-334-8881 | 802-917-5211 | Barton |
Seegers, Will | 802-748-3111 | 802-498-5351 | St. Johnsbury |
Northwestern District
Warden | State Police Phone | Cell Phone | Patrol District |
Lt. Currier, Robert | 802-879-5669- Essex Office | Northwest | |
Sgt. Joyal, Dana | 802-878-7111 | 802-498-5469 | Charlotte |
Spc. Snyder, Dustin | 802-524-5993 | 802-279-9275 | St. Albans |
Barrett, Chad | 802-229-9191 | 802-224-6324 | Waterbury |
Coffey, Ethan | 802-878-7111 | 802-793-3114 | Hyde Park |
Hungerford, Josh | 802-524-5993 | 802-498-5468 | Enosburg |
Sargent, Asa | 802-878-7111 | 802-793-6705 | Burlington |
Schmid, Jeremy | 802-878-7111 | 802-595-4815 | Underhill |
Thiel, Matt | 802-524-5993 | 802-224-6157 | Alburgh |
Southern District
Warden | State Police Phone | Cell Phone | Patrol District |
Lt. Gravelle, Jason | 802-289-0603-Springfield Office | Southern | |
Sgt. Carey, Timothy | 802-773-9101 | 802-793-2776 | Mt. Holly |
Spc. Buttle, Travis | 802-442-5421 | 802-777-6281 | Bennington |
Isherwood, Kyle | 802-722-4600 | 802-279-8935 | Londonderry |
Lockerby, David | 802-722-4600 | 802-917-6263 | Springfield |
Price, Kelly | 802-257-7101 | 802-380-3723 | Brattleboro |
Turner, Justin | 802-442-5421 | 802-595-8754 | Poultney |
Watkin, Richard | 802-722-4600 | 802-793-9416 | Wilmington |