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Three Game Warden Trainees Promoted to Full Game Warden After Seven Months of Community Rotations

The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department is pleased to announce that game warden trainees Louis Daversa, Noelle Kline, and John Truong were promoted to full game warden on Monday, February 13, 2023.

The promotion came after wardens Daversa, Kline, and Truong completed a seven-month series of rotations through Vermont communities in each region of the state.  All game warden trainees also complete the four months of police academy required of sworn law enforcement officers in Vermont.

"Being a game warden requires first-hand experience with the diversity of Vermont communities,” said Game Warden Colonel Justin Stedman.  “Game wardens may find themselves providing first response services in multiple languages with field translation tools, mitigating a bear incident in a residential neighborhood, or enforcing wildlife laws during Vermont’s hunting, fishing, and trapping seasons.”

Rotations allow game warden trainees to develop the necessary experience and skills for this range of duties.  After rotations, game wardens are required to live in one of the towns within their service district. 

Warden Daversa has been assigned to the Fair Haven District, Warden Kline has been assigned to the Randolph District, and Warden Truong has been assigned to the Barre District.