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Vermont 2025 Hunting and Fishing Licenses and Lawbooks Available

Vermont 2025 hunting, trapping, and fishing licenses, as well as the 2025 lawbooks for these activities, are now available on the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department’s website and wherever licenses are sold.

“License sales have helped pay for some of Vermont’s greatest conservation successes,” said Interim Fish and Wildlife Commissioner Andrea Shortsleeve, “from managing habitat for game species like the white-tailed deer and black bear to protecting habitat for nongame species like bald eagles and common loons.”

With ice fishing opening around the state as soon as cold temperatures arrive in January, Vermonters are encouraged to pick up their 2025 licenses at the earliest convenience.  Existing five year, permanent or lifetime licenses can be updated online on January 1.

License buyers can also easily add a $15 Habitat Stamp to their purchase to further support habitat conservation in Vermont.

“In addition to updating your license, it is helpful for hunters, trappers and anglers to pick up the current 2025 lawbooks,” added Shortsleeve. 

Printed copies of the 2025 Hunting & Trapping Lawbook and the 2025 Fishing Lawbook are available from license agents statewide.  The department’s website has links to online versions as well.