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fishing and hunting

Vermont annually holds lotteries for moose and antlerless deer hunting permits, as well as for a lifetime license.

The number of hunting permits offered in the lotteries varies depending on the biological conditions of the moose and deer herds.

Antlerless Deer Muzzleloader Lottery

Two does in a field
28,300 antlerless deer permits will be issued for the 2024 Muzzleloader Hunting Season. Deadline to apply is July 31, 2024. Apply today for your chance to win a permit!

Moose Lottery

bull moose in brush
Moose Permit Lottery results are in. Check to see if you or someone you know is a lucky winner! Didn't win a permit? You still have a chance to get a permit by bidding on one. Learn more about our Moose Permit Auction.

Lifetime License Lottery

women fishing and lifetime lottery ticket overlay
For $2.00 you can take a chance on winning a lifetime of FREE hunting and fishing in Vermont!