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Wild Turkey Brood Survey

Help the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department analyze spring turkey production by recording wild turkey sightings during July and August using our web-based survey.

hen turkey and poult
In August, young turkeys are normally about two-thirds the size of an adult hen.

When Should I Record My Sightings?

  • The survey period runs from July 1 to August 31.

What Should I Report?

  • The town in which turkeys were observed
  • The date and time of the observation
  • The number of turkeys observed including
    • The number of adult females (hens)
    • The number of young (poults)
    • The number of males (jakes and toms)
    • Number of miscellaneous turkeys (unknown sex or age)
  • General description of the location

Report a Wild Turkey Sighting

Download a Guide for Identifying Wild Turkeys for Survey

Why Count Turkeys?

Brood surveys monitor annual nesting success and survival of hens and their young, which has the greatest influence on Vermont’s wild turkey population. The information lets us track many factors essential for sound turkey management including:

  • average brood sizes
  • percentage of adult hens with young
  • overall numbers of turkeys seen

This information, combined with harvest data, lets us scientifically manage the wild turkey population—ensuring we have a thriving population now and in the future.

Get outside and count some turkeys. It is fun and will help us determine the state’s turkey abundance!

Wild Turkey Brood Survey BackgroundNWTF logo

Since 1994, The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department has conducted a wild turkey brood survey to analyze spring turkey production. The National Wild Turkey Federation has also partnered with the department to promote and enhance the statewide brood survey effort. Now it's your turn to get involved.