Volunteering, it’s a great way to give back to the woods, waters and wildlife. Here are some opportunities for volunteering.
Hunter Education Instructor
Vermont’s Hunter Education Program is always looking for volunteer instructors to teach hunting, bow hunting or trapping education.
Dead Creek Visitor Center Ambassadors
If you enjoy talking to people and have a strong interest in fish and wildlife, conservation, and wildlife-based recreation, then consider becoming a volunteer ambassador. You don’t have to be an expert, just have an enthusiasm for nature and sharing information with visitors.
Let's Go Fishing Volunteers
Teach young people and their families how to fish, emphasizing that fishing is more than just catching fish. Teachers, you can now become a certified instructor through the Let’s Go Fishing program and earn one graduate-level credit.
Monitoring Bat Colonies
Vermont’s bats are in trouble, and we need your help finding and counting colonies of bats living in buildings.
Work Weekend at GMCC
Every spring volunteers donate their time to spruce up one of the department's two Green Mountain Conservation Camps for the summer season.