Amid concerns over COVID-19, the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department has postponed all Hunter, Bowhunter and Trapper Education courses for the well-being of students, volunteer instructors and all Vermonters.
The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department says warm spring weather and melting snows will cause bears to come out of their winter dens in search of food. The department recommends taking down bird feeders by April 1 to avoid attracting bears.
The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department has postponed its previously scheduled March 18 public meeting in Bethel on the proposed 2020-2030 Big Game Management Plan to encourage social distancing and to avoid the spread of COVID-19.
Vermont ice conditions are deteriorating rapidly on lakes throughout the state because of recent warm weather, according to Colonel Jason Batchelder, Vermont’s chief game warden.
Hunters, landowners and anyone else interested in deer and moose should plan on attending one of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department public hearings being held in March.
Vermont state law requires that ice fishing shanties be removed from the ice before the ice weakens, according the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department.