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Nongame Wildlife Fund

ppine marten with info about the nongame wildlife fund

More than 200 wildlife species are at risk including birds, bats, orchids, and bumblebees. The Nongame Wildlife Fund helps protect and restore Vermont's endangered wildlife for future generations to enjoy.

Where your dollar goes

Wildlife Diversity Program's Projects supported by your donation to the Nongame Wildlife Fund

Monitoring Mudpuppies - See full post

Monitoring, mapping, and conserving rare plant populations across the state, like this rare fern - See full post

Donate Online Now or download our donation form

Your gift goes far! Every dollar donated leverages up to three dollars of federal funds.

Nongame Wildlife Conservation in the News

Monitoring Vermont's Most Vulnerable Wildlife.

To conserve something, you need to know where it is and what it does. Your donation supports our work to monitor a diversity of species including songbirds, salamanders, butterflies, and bats to better protect wildlife.

Protecting Critical Habitats.

With your gift, we protect and improve habitats necessary for the survival of species, such as nesting sites for spiny softshell turtles, and caves where many of our bat species hibernate.

Assisting Conservation Planning.

We provide up-to-date, verified information about rare species and significant natural communities to help local conservation and planning efforts.

Spotlighting Vermont's Rare Wildlife.

We develop science-based guidance for homeowners, landowners, and businesses about ways they can help wildlife, and we provide opportunities for Vermonters of all ages to learn about and to help Vermont's threatened and endangered wildlife. 

How You Can Help

Tax Time Check-Off 

Donate while doing your Vermont income taxes. Look for the option on your Vermont income tax form and fill in the amount of your contribution. It's quick, easy and tax deductible!

Get a Conservation License Plate

Purchase a conservation license plate and let others know you care. Choose from three designs.

Hunting and Fishing License Purchase

Donate when purchasing a hunting or fishing license by simply including your contribution when applying.

Learn more.

See our Wildlife Diversity Program newsletters 


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