Aquatic Invasive Species Resources
Use these resources to learn more about these species, spread prevention, and volunteer opportunities.
Identifying Aquatic Invasive Species
List of Known Vermont Waterbodies with AIS
A listing of ten aquatic invasive species and what waterbodies they occur in around the state.
Native Plant Sources
Native plants are critical to healthy, functioning ecosystems.
They provide habitat and food sources for many species, preserving biodiversity. Native plants can also aid in flood resiliency and water quality improvement.
Terrestrial Invasive Plant Resources
Use these resources to learn more about terrestrial invasive plant species, land management, and volunteer opportunities.
Basics of Invasives
What Makes a Plant Invasive?
More on why invasive plants have a competitive advantage over native plants, where they invade, how they are spread, and why you should care.
Zebra Mussels
Zebra mussels are typically found in infested lakes and rivers attached to hard surfaces including rocks, other mussels, plant stems, docks, boats, and pipes. In Vermont, they have become established in Lake Champlain and Lake Bomoseen.
Spiny Waterflea
Spiny waterfleas (Bythotrephes longimanus) are typically found in areas of deep, cold, open water. In Vermont, spiny waterfleas are currently found in Lake Champlain.
Asian Clam
Asian Clams (Corbicula fluminea) prefer sand or fine gravel substrates in lakes and rivers that contain high levels of oxygen. In Vermont, Asian clams are currently only found in Lake Bomoseen.